
David Bloor • Apr 29, 2021

Exploring layouts for my project - The Mind is a wonderful place

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to create this blog post to share a little bit of experimentation that I am doing with my project, with exploring new ways to show my photos to create the feeling that I want my project to have.

In this test, I have explored putting the images into my actual journal with the images surrounded by the words that I had been thinking throughout that day, as well as blocking some leaving part of the story for the viewer to fill in the blanks and ask themselves the question of are these images linked at all with any part of the text.

I want people to come along with me on a journey through my book, using the images for them to have their own thoughts and feelings, yet also connecting with the viewer by having in a personal journal style format. The things that are written in my journal are thoughts of my own that I have had either throughout the day or during the many walks I took both with and without my camera.

My project isn't just about the spaces that I am taking, but how these spaces make me feel and allowing the viewer to feel their own thoughts and feelings too.

There will be a walkaround of the online exhibition available on YouTube soon, as I am very aware that Artsteps isn't the most user-friendly website out there, my booklet of the project is still available to view on YouTube and will also be a cheaper alternative to buy, if and when I eventually create and begin to sell the actual books online.

There is a lot to come in these next few weeks and I will be keeping you all posted throughout my social media pages, so make sure to check them out with the buttons on the website!

- David

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